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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Quite Innovative - a more Secure and Thief Proof online Transaction

Pay By Touch Debuts Internet Biometric ID
Pay By Touch introduces TrueMe, a secure, on-demand biometric authentication service on the Internet. TrueMe gives PC users a secure way to identify themselves, interact and transact on the Web using their fingerprints. By sliding a finger on a TrueMe-certified finger sensor, users can securely access their Web-based accounts with no need to remember IDs, passwords or account numbers. With a TrueMe-enabled system, users��� information is never exposed to the computer operating system or to the public Internet. In addition, multiple users can share the same computer by registering their individual fingers on the TrueMe sensor without compromising security. To date, more than three million U.S. customers have enrolled in Pay By Touch's biometric payment network through 2,400 retail locations across 44 states.

article extracted from http://www.risnews.com/CSS/pages/news101706.shtml#ntstory1

some interesting products: http://www.index-security.com/index.htm


At 6:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If that is the case, I will prefer that no computer will remember my finger print. What is the difference for a hacker to steal my password and my finger print from the system? It is more dangerous for me if the system can easily sell me out by recording my finger print, than my only-computer-used password.


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